William Taylor Jr.
Fight Them
Honey there's no shame
in joywhat with death
and all her henchmenforever at our heels
lying in wait
at every cornerhoney break the rotten
world in twoscrape out
whatever's left
that could still
be any goodit's yours as much
as anyone'sfight them for it.
The Edge of It
Each day she wakes and throws herself
straight into the fire of the world,the dark and terrible heart of it,
embracing the chaos,
taking its laughter
as her own.She says its the only way
she knows to live.I follow as far as I am able
and then wait here
at the edge of itholding her things.
William Taylor Jr. lives and writes in San Francisco.He is the author of numerous books of poetry, and a volume of fiction. His work has been published widely in literary journals, including Rattle, The New York Quarterly, and The Chiron Review. He was a recipient of the 2013 Kathy Acker Award, and edited Cocky Moon: Selected Poems of Jack Micheline (Zeitgeist Press, 2014). His latest poetry collection, A Room Above a Convenience Store, is available from Roadside Press.