Above all else: Be Real. Show some grit, some grist, down in the dirt, real life experience. If that indicates a bias towards narrative work, so be it; that's the way it is. If you write formal poetry, good for you, but this is probably not the place for it. Almost all formal poetry bores me to tears. The one form that doesn't might surprise you. Hint: it doesn't start with S or P or a V. However, given that bias, that does not give you the license to send your drunken bar room ravings inspired by Bukowski or your drug fueled revelations while reading Rimbaud. I worked in a bar for 34 years, I'll know. And don't try and fake it either. I'll know. Don't send something you'd be comfortable sending your MFA thesis advisor. I won't like it and I'll know. I went to graduate school too. For English literature when they still taught actual lit. Above all, no bull, no shit, no religious, no greeting card verse, no genre, no hearts and flowers, and no rants, political or otherwise. Don't try and impress me because you won't. Just send something solid, that feels real. Otherwise, ultimately, the only person you will be fooling is yourself.
We will retain first online publication rights to accepted work. Upon publication, all rights revert to the author. There is no payment other than online publication.
Submit 3-5 poems, no more than 7 pages total, and a two-three sentence bio as an email attachment in .doc format to:
Misfit Submission Policy Update effective as of November 2024
We will be reading poetry for issue #40 from March 1 through April 30, 2025. We will be closed for submissions for the summer until we resume August 1, 2025 until September 30, 2025. Those dates should apply each year unless there is further notice. Review books are considered all year long.
I will acknowledge every book I receive but I cannot guarantee an actual review because of the volume of submissions is fairly large and I only have one brain.
We are interested in reviewing small and independent press publications. Please send work to be reviewed to:
c/o Catlin
143 Furman St.
Schenectady, NY 12304