Jakima Davis

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I'm looking for you protest writer
Where are you?  Where have you gone?
Your pages are written in invisible ink
Your books are empty without words
Why did you let them silence you?
They don't understand the truth
About love, peace, happiness, and hope

You should be sweeping away ignorance
Put hatred under the carpet
I miss that uncompromising feeling
Once proudly promoted and endorsed
You've been settled like the sunset
Seen your hands dropped sideways
I have watched your lips and eyes bleed

I wish you'd speak up once again
Talk to me about wisdom, truth, and history
Listen to me protest writer you've needed
Words to help me find enlightenment
Your sins are being a freethinker
Allowed yourself to have the hand bitten
Take back your zest and stance


Jakima Davis has been writing for over 20 years.  As of now, she's published four chapbooks; including one in July of this year.  Davis been published in mainly underground publications.  Hoping someday she'll published a full volume manuscript.  She have a publication list that's still waiting on to be publish.