J.T. Whitehead

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J.T. Whitehead

Credit card debts – a short story

Private Detective Agency

Couples therapy

Individual patient therapy

Storage facility

Moving company

Divorce attorney

Travel agency

Vegas trip

Medical Clinic


Artwork by Gene McCormick

Dating again

On the first day I tell them

I changed the diapers

I took out the trash

I tucked the boys in every night after reading to them

I played chess with them

I attended their sports

– that they nicknamed me the "Lord of the Laundry"  – that

I vacuumed

I cleared the table

I washed the dishes & left them for others to load &

I lived in the houses my wife selected &

I took the vacations she picked & she planned.


On the second day I confess

I go down . . . easy . . .

like pillars on the outskirts of a crumbling Empire.


On the verge of our Middle Ages.


J.T. Whitehead was Editor in Chief of So It Goes: The Literary Journal of the Kurt Vonnegut Memorial Library, briefly, for issues 1, 2, 3, 4, and 6.  He is a Pushcart Prize-nominated short story author, a Pushcart Prize-nominated poet, and was winner of the Margaret Randall Poetry Prize in 2015 (published in Mas Tequila Review).  Whitehead has published over 333 poems in over 125 literary journals, including The Lilliput Review, Slipstream, Left Curve, The Broadkill Review, Home Planet News, The Iconoclast, Poetry Hotel, Book XI, Gargoyle, and The New York Quarterly.  His book The Table of the Elements was nominated for the National Book Award in 2015.  Whitehead lives in Indianapolis with his two sons, Daniel and Joseph.