Ezhno Martin
Only Constantly
I just got married Samantha
and I'm not sure what I'm trying to prove
besides that I wear her like a freshly healed tattoo
a cover up that can't hide the fact
that in the life I fucked up
it was supposed to be you
and me
on a fools errand rushing towards a fleeting foreverwhen I say I'm happy it worked out this way
I'm almost entirely sure I mean it
but I still get caught up
thinking of what would have happened
had I not been the way I was
and mostly still am
I'm insane
but I'm at my most rational
when I wonder what would have happened
if I could have changed.
What if the rear-view
was foresightand all the ruined nights
could have turned into surrenders
apologies searching for reconciliation
rushing to the reality that I would always love you
instead of running away because I couldn't handle my liquor
or admitting I was wrongWhat if
once and for all
I could realize
being right
never got me nowhere
I'm really trying to love her
and it's not that hard most of the time
she is a better version of me
and we are a better version of us
so even when I wake up
next to her
from dreams of holding you
I don't hesitate
to be happy I'm finding her instead
and flush you from my mind
as I write poems on her back with my fingers
so that by the time her eyes open
all she sees are my fantasies
for how much better I can become
the longer she loves me
Sure, she knows about you
and is acquainted with all the reasons I gave you to stay gone
but I do my best to keep my worst in those stories
She seems serious about sticking around
even if she gets sick of me at regular intervals
and I keep having to find apartments on short notice
when she needs the space to miss me
I can only love the people that let me
and she always lets me come home
most of the time it's her idea, even
most of the mistakes I make I've made before
so when I say I'm sorry
I really mean it
I mean it
with panic like it's proof I don't deserve happiness
I mean it
like I hate myself and can't believe I let it happen again
I mean it
like I'm so sorry I'm contemplating suicide
because I can't stand living making the same mistakes
over and over again
hurting people I need to heal me
You can't fake that kind sorry
and she knows it
she tells me she forgives me
she says it all the time
and I need to hear it
I have a wife
and she forgives me all the time
I need to be forgiven all the time
she says she forgives me
and she said she'd keep loving meand I need to hear both of those things
National Emo Day Gets a New Sponsor
It's about time
to leave town again
It's January 10th
and my soon to be ex wife
is sympathetic to my superstitions
so she picked your birthday to break up with meIt's not so bad
It's convenient, really
not having to create a new holiday for grieving
I can just lump you and her together
on one of the coldest days
of every infant year
as a reminder that broken promises
occupy the same space
as second-hand baby clothes
never usedIt's a relief
to finally bottom out
come to rest in the wreckage
of the failure to ever get past you
or the repetition of the same fuck ups
freak outs
and nights spent fighting over
how bad I wanted to pass out in the snowYou were never the problem
she knew all along
about my obsession
she heard the poems
with your named littered in themShe found it charming
that I had kept socks, underwear, shirt, pants, jacket
of yours
exactly enough to dress up a mannequin stand init was just my same old shit
getting older
with an older woman
with less time to turn back
and find a better life without meSamantha, can you remember how many times
you found me in the dumpster behind your house
gargling a bottle of cheap warm vodka
crying uncontrollably?Or did you lose count?
That was her life too
and she got sick of it
just a little slower than any normal person wouldI'd really like it
if you told me
that I could be redeemable
if I'd just stop being like thisIt's been years
and I'm convinced
that the reason I'm unlovable
goes a lot deeper
than then stupid mistakes
I could stop making
Ezhno Martin is a freak who makes books for freaks via EMP Books(.com), obsesses about a certain New York Basketball Team, and takes long urban hikes in the middle of the night. Ezhno has substituted god with a ghost who goes by Samantha, and the prayers for forgiveness have yet gone unanswered.