Michael Estabrook
Fear of being without Mobile PhonesBouncy House
They say “Thanks, how nice” as they put down
their iPhones, leaf through the pages
of my new book of poems for a minute
before picking up their iPhones again.Pandora
“Nobody buys CDs anymore.
All the music you could possibly want
is now right here.” He’s wiggling the iPhone
at me and I’m still trying to figure out how
to turn the damn thing off.Bob Dylan
On a Cape Cod beach listening to Dylan
on my iPhone when I know I should
be reveling in the sun warming my face, the sand
cooling my toes and marveling at the seals
and seagulls but I can’t help myself.Everything
My iPhone has finally replaced my camera
and so easy to use I’m tempted to take pictures
of everything: my breakfast,
my wife’s pretty smile, sunsets,
squirrels, deer . . .
Michael Estabrook is retired now writing more poems and working more outside. He loves Starbucks and watching Judge Judy in the afternoon (but don’t tell anyone). He lives in Acton, Massachusetts. https://michaelestabrook.org/