John D. Robinson
The Natural Easiness
It wasn’t heaven
but it was close to it,
it wasn’t love
but very near to it,
what is was,
was friendship,
a natural easiness
we felt with
each other,
it was something
very rare
in this life
where no physical
or monetary
exchanges were
thought of,
maybe, after-all,
it was love,
too shy to
show itself.
The Rattle Snake
She would have fucked a
rattlesnake, crawled through
sewers and walked across
roads of razor blades and
drowned herself in the
vilest nests of abuse
and she did,
for a hit,
a high,
for some kind of
something that made
her feel real
and alive and it came
to nothing,
she was so much more
than this but she was
blind to her own
beauty, a prostitute
to her addictions,
a saint of the streets
martyred in a
derelict building,
holes shot in her arms,
trickles of blood,
her eyes
still shining.
John D Robinson is a UK poet: hundreds of his poems have appeared online and in print: he has published several chapbooks and 3 full collections: his work recently appeared in The Ragged Lion Press Journal #2.