Mike Faran
Some Names Always Seem to Come Up
at a Biker BarBailsmen & lawyers & doctors are always
mentioned. Even business cards are shuffled
and traded, etc.But Jesus’ name is tossed around a lot
the turning water into wine bit,
the overturning of the money changer’s tables, etc.Forgiving the adulteress & the murderer are topics
talked about with zestJesus was a kick ass xxx, says ol’ Gypsy Bill over a
boilermakerSatan’s name doesn’t come up much
He never made them wine
He never forgaveHe never loved a woman so much that the ground
shook & fires danced & trees
sang like ElvisHe never wore the colors like Jesus did
Mike Faran is the author of We Go To A Fire (Penury Press) and has appeared in Barbaric Yawp, Homestead Review, The New Laurel, Iodine, The Main Street Rag, and many others.