Mike Faran

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Encounters 12 & 72

When Dylan sat down in the lotus position
next to Buddha for tea, neither knew
who the other was; it was better that way.

Dylan: Hey, man, I’m writing this song about
how some women get completely lost,
like they can’t seem to go home again. Any ideas?

Buddha: Good looking women from America?

Dylan: Yeah. Any place in the West.

Buddha: Directions are very important in the West.
Where I come from, we simply “wing it”.

Dylan: The geese seem to know where to go & I doubt
if they’re bullshitting us.

Buddha: In America you require a house.  Then directions
on how to get to it.

Dylan: Well Mister, you’ve given me a whole
mess of farmland to chew on.  But is there a trick?

Buddha: A trick to what?

Dylan: A trick to untangling the knot?

Buddha: What knot?

Dylan: I need directions on how to untangle
my legs to get back home....

Buddha: Good luck with the song, son.

Mike Faran is the author of We Go To A Fire (Penury Press) and has appeared in Barbaric Yawp, Homestead Review, The New Laurel, Iodine, The Main Street Rag, and many others.